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Contact Form

Contact Info


+91 98315 81914
+91 94338 64688
+91 94772 39753



81/6, P. Majumder Road,
Kolkata - 700 078,
West Bengal, India


Selection Procedure

Mayukh Charitable Trust & Meditation Centre’ invites application as per prescribed proforma from the underprivileged but meritorious students for awarding monthly/ bi-monthly/quarterly stipends who actually desire to carry on their studies.

At the time of physical verification one printed application form with some queries, will be given to the listed applicants who come under the purview as mentioned above, to be filled up by his/her own handwriting.

At least 2 (two) members of the trust will do a physical verification, visiting the schools where the students read and the houses where they dwell in.
After visiting they will submit an inspection report on the basis of the following points:-

1) Academic status of the student.
2) Financial status of the family.
3) Type of dwelling house(brick-built/ mud-house/Owned by the family/rental/etc.)
4) Number of students in the family.
5) Number of family members.
6) Monthly income of the family.
7) Occupation of parents.
8) Number of rooms they dwell in.

N. B.

Monthly income certificate of the family procuring from Panchayet Pradhan/ Councellor/appropriate authorities, along with two copies of coloured passport size photos of the candidate is to be attached with the application form. The two members who made the physical verification will submit their inspection report before the Board of the Trust. Then, in the presence of the President, Secretary,Cashier and other members, all the applications will be scrutinized and finally selected the eligible candidates. The selectors through an evaluation process will give marks to each and every eligible applicant and thus prepare a list of awardees in descending order. The said list/s will be stringently followed for awarding stipend / scholarship or giving in kind of articles like books in syllabus, exercise books, school bags the eligible candidates.

Give Us a Hand

Help Us to change and reshape a Child’s Future for his / her betterment. Donate Freely. Contact us for more details on how you can stand by our side.

Account No. for DONATION :: C/A 12840200028608
IFSC : FDRL0001284
Ballygunge Branch, Kolkata

Call Us at the following numbers:

+91 94772 39753
+91 82408 73099
+91 94338 64688